10 To 9 Frame Spacing Tool

10 To 9 Frame Spacing Tool are used to reduce the number of frames in your boxes by accurately spacing your frames down from 10 frames to 9 Frames.




10 To 9 Frame Spacing Tool


Stainless steel


As picture show




100% New



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Details About 10 To 9 Frame Spacing Tool

  • 10 To 9 Frame Spacing Tool could fix and support the beehive frames and keep them in place. Using 9-frames in a 10 frame box allows honey bees to build their comb thicker. Allowing the bees to have more honey in each and makes harvesting your honey easier and quicker. An essential tool for your beekeeping supplies.
  • Stainless steel material is anti-rust and corrosion-resistant. These metal frame strips are strong, sturdy, and durable to use.
  • When installed, the 10 To 9 Frame Spacing Tool do not create any gaps for small beetles to hide unlike other designs, ours can be adjusted during installing to fit your preferences; simply slide spacer up or down so that more or less of the spacers sit above the frame rest.
  • Organizes your bee frames in your honey boxes so you can easily remove them or install them into your brood boxes to reduce the chance of rolling or injuring your bees or queen. and space frames evenly in the boxes, reducing the chances of frames shifting accidentally and injuring bees.

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