Beehive Pollen Trap Collector

Beehive Pollen Trap Collector with a removable ventilated pollen tray used in the beekeeping industry. This pollen collector hangs at the entrance of a hive supported by two small holes. No dirt or hive refuse will enter resulting in cleaner pollen. The pollen trap can be assembled, ventilated, and removed. Made of high-quality plastic, it is durable and harmless to bees.



Product Name

Beehive Pollen Trap Collector


As shown in the picture




ABS Plastic


100% New

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Details About Beehive Pollen Trap Collector

  • Firstly, made of high-quality plastic, harmless to bees, and durable.
  • Secondly, easy to Operate and Easy to install, no dust or honeycomb trash will enter, so that pollen is cleaner.
  • Thirdly, the pollen collector needs suspend at the entrance of a honeycomb supported by two small holes.
  • Moreover, this is a plastic pollen collector with a movable and ventilated pollen tray for beekeeping.

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