Metal 7 Beehive Frame Spacer

Metal 7 Beehive Frame Spacer to equally space your frames in your honey or brood boxes, making it even easier for your bees to build straight, evenly drawn brood comb. Spacers come with nails for installing each spacer into your boxes; no glue or specialized tools are required to install each spacer. Simply hammer nails in each spacer through the pre-drilled nail holes in each spacer.

Using spacers keeps frames from moving and sliding easily inside the boxes, decreasing the chances of accidental damage to your queen and bees. Using frame spacers in your honey boxes ensures that your honeycomb is built out evenly and straight by the bees. Straight comb in your honey boxes will make uncapping your comb easier and more efficient, reducing the need for an uncapping fork.




Metal 7 Beehive Frame Spacer


Galvanized Iron


37.5cm or customized




100% New



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Details About Metal 7 Beehive Frame Spacer

  • HIGH QUALITY: These metal frame strips are strong, sturdy, and durable to use.
  • HOW IT WORKS: It is used to fix and support the beehive frames and keep them in place.
  • EASY TO USE: Easy to install and remove.
  • EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE: A nice tool to make beekeeping easier and more convenient.
  • VERY PRACTICAL: Essential beekeeping equipment for beekeepers.

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