Hexagon Shaped Comb Honey Frame

Hexagon Shaped Comb Honey Frame – Honeycomb made easy.

These hexagon-shaped compartment frames take the work out of the packing honeycomb. The simple system means the beekeeper can insert a hexagon-shaped of starter foundation. Next, once capped the whole hexagon-shaped is easily removed – then just pop on the cover for the comb box and you’re ready to sell pure honeycomb. As fresh and raw as nature intended. These also make superb gifts for family and friends. The hexagon-shaped is very popular with people.

Additional boxes are available separately.

Frame Model

F-9: Hexagon Shaped Comb Honey Frame

Box Model

F-C3: Hexagon Shaped Comb Honey Box


Food-grade plastic






100% new


Ango Apiculture

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Details About Hexagon Shaped Comb Honey Frame

  • Firstly, the Hexagon Shaped Comb Honey Frame made of food-grade plastic, it durable to be reused year after year.
  • Secondly, the boxes of the frame sold separately.

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